It’s been a while since GitHub changed the default branch name from master to main. If you’re interested in the deeper background and how GitHub is not the only platform implementing this change, check out the statement of the ‘software freedom conservancy’ on 23/6/2020.
What I welcome most about this movement is that it got way easier to rename the default branch on GitHub, which used to be a major PITA. I’m going to be upfront and tell you that the aspect of someone being offended by the naming of my git branch wasn’t my main concern. My personal reasons for changing the naming from master to main is purely based on empathy and solidarity and expressing an openness for positive change and diversity. None of us can control the past, each and everyone of us can control the present moment in their own world. So here’s to mutual understanding, diverse culture and a brighter future with mindful and meaningful action to make the world a better place for all of us.
Here’s a video from YouTuber “Justin Hammond” for those among us who are more visual ;)