This Website Is an Open Book

This website is an open book and I’m going to share with you, what that means, why that is and how it works. It took me a good while to get to this point, so I figured it would be helpful for others to speed along their process. What does this mean? This website is built using HUGO, a static site generator, it runs on GitHub Pages and is built from my markcheret/cheret-tech git repository.

Why I Renamed My Git Branches From Master to Main

It’s been a while since GitHub changed the default branch name from master to main. If you’re interested in the deeper background and how GitHub is not the only platform implementing this change, check out the statement of the ‘software freedom conservancy’ on 23/6/2020. What I welcome most about this movement is that it got way easier to rename the default branch on GitHub, which used to be a major PITA.

footnotes celebrates its 7th anniversary

Happy 7th birthday footnotes the footnotes WordPress plugin is celebrating its 7th anniversary today. We haven’t decided as a team on what we’re going to do to celebrate this occasion together with our community. So please watch this space for announcements.